The Year
in Review
In 2021-2022 NESA demonstrated its commitment to achieving better outcomes and building organisational capacity for members through:
Representation on all program specific departmental working and advisory groups/committees.
Active engagement in policy and program debate on the critical issues for the sector and for Australia.
NESA achieved some important outcomes in 21/22. Can you nominate some that you believe will have a significant bearing on creating the future?
Highlights of
Facilitating the Transition to Workforce Australia
NESA was strongly engaged in representation and advocacy in relation to all aspects of design and purchasing for the New Employment Services Model (NESM) now known as Workforce Australia. NESA gathered member perspectives through a series of virtual and individual member consultation sessions.
Greater influence on outcomes
for DES
NESA’s representation and advocacy on behalf of members in relation to Disability Employment Services included a strong focus on both current and potential future arrangements for the program. NESA expects we will have greater visibility of the outcomes of our representation over the next year.
Strong engagement and representation via DSS Peaks DES Strategic Working and Operations Working Groups
Collaborative arrangements with Disability Employment Australia, National Disability Services & Jobs Australia to strengthen cohesive advocacy
Continued collaboration
with CDP
NESA continued its strong collaboration with and representation of Community Development Program (CDP) providers with activities and achievements including:
A two-day CDP forum with Minister in attendance and delegation arranged with Shadow Minister
Monthly CDP provider meetings with updates on program and policy related matters
IT enhancements
NESA strongly represented and advocated for members directly and via NESA’s IT Reference and Reports Working Group.
NESA’s strategies enabled intensive regular dialogue with DESE and key staff in relation to all aspects of IT supporting the sector. This led to a myriad of IT enhancements in current systems and design of Workforce Australia Online – Provider including driving new reports such as JRRR/JEHR, Job Matching and Career Profile to enhance members’ work.
NESA developed and led the Right Fit for Risk Community of Practice, with over 300 participants.